Using Berry Linux

The ‚root‘ or the ‚berry‘ password for Berry

Password of root is 'root'. (from 0.51)
And password of berry is 'berry'. (from 0.51)

I’d like to use static IP address

* Method 1
Add 'IPADDR' to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and change 'dhcp' to 'static'.
And run.
# ifdown eth0
# ifup eth0

* Method 2 (Only booting from CD-ROM)
When the screen of GRUB is displayed, type 'e' twice, add a boot option like 'ip='.

How to use DDS

Restore fedora 4 save which was split in 10 files, you can see the test below!

[berry@berry berry]$ su
[root@berry berry]# cd /opt/berry/
[root@berry berry]# ./dds r /dev/hda8 /UNIONFS/mnt/hda5/OS_Saves_Portatil/Linux_Save/fedora_4
Restoring /UNIONFS/mnt/hda5/OS_Saves_Portatil/Linux_Save/fedora_4_1 of 10...
Restoring /UNIONFS/mnt/hda5/OS_Saves_Portatil/Linux_Save/fedora_4_2 of 10...
Restoring /UNIONFS/mnt/hda5/OS_Saves_Portatil/Linux_Save/fedora_4_3 of 10...
Restoring /UNIONFS/mnt/hda5/OS_Saves_Portatil/Linux_Save/fedora_4_4 of 10...
Restoring /UNIONFS/mnt/hda5/OS_Saves_Portatil/Linux_Save/fedora_4_5 of 10...
Restoring /UNIONFS/mnt/hda5/OS_Saves_Portatil/Linux_Save/fedora_4_6 of 10...
Restoring /UNIONFS/mnt/hda5/OS_Saves_Portatil/Linux_Save/fedora_4_7 of 10...
Restoring /UNIONFS/mnt/hda5/OS_Saves_Portatil/Linux_Save/fedora_4_8 of 10...
Restoring /UNIONFS/mnt/hda5/OS_Saves_Portatil/Linux_Save/fedora_4_9 of 10...
Restoring /UNIONFS/mnt/hda5/OS_Saves_Portatil/Linux_Save/fedora_4_10 of 10...

Restore finished, to test your partition do:
mount -t <fs_type> /dev/hda8 <mount_dir>

How to run PPTP

1. Create /etc/ppp/peers/PPTP file like below.
ipparam "PPTP" <- Any
user "user" <- User name
require-mppe-128 <- Use with mppe128

2. Edit /etc/ppp/chap-secrets file like below.
"user" * "password" *

3. run pptp command
# pptp (IP address) file /etc/ppp/peers/PPTP

 How to auto-launch Samba

Berry Linux uses initng instead of sysvinit.
So the command, 'chkconfig smb on', doesn't work.
Please use this command, 'ng-update add daemon/samba'.
If you'd like to use chkconfig command, delete ' init=/sbin/initng' in /boot/grub/grub.conf.