Installing using the Poor Man’s Method
Please do as follows to "Poor Mans's Install" on eg '/dev/hdb2'.
1. Copy /BERRY/BERRY from Berry LiveCD to /mnt/hdb2/BERRY/.
2. Copy /Setup/initrd.gz from Berry LiveCD to /mnt/hdb2/BERRY/.
3. Copy /Setup/vmlinuz from Berry LiveCD to /mnt/hdb2/BERRY/.
4. Modify grub's 'menu.lst'. For example,
title Berry Linux Poor Man's Install on /dev/hdb2/BERRY
root (hd1,2)
kernel /BERRY/vmlinuz boot=cdrom berry_dir=/BERRY/BERRY
video=vesa:ywrap,mtrr vga=791 splash=silent noapic overlay=ram
initrd /BERRY/initrd.gz
How to install on hard drive
To install berry to hard disk.
1. Make Linux partition with fdisk or QTParted or so on for Berry Linux.
2. Select K Menu -> BERRY -> Berry Installer. (About root password)
3. Then, you should create a new configuration in 'Configure Installation'.
4. And, you can select 'Start installation'.
How to install on usb drive
-- Method 1
Use \Berry LiveCD\Setup.exe.
-- Method 2
Please do as follows to "Install Berry Linux on usb stick manually".
1. Copy /BERRY/BERRY from Berry LiveCD to 'USB drive'/berry/berry.
2. Copy /Setup/initrd.gz from Berry LiveCD to 'USB drive'/initrd.gz.
3. Copy /Setup/vmlinuz from Berry LiveCD to 'USB drive'/vmlinuz.
4. Copy /Setup/syslinux.cfg from Berry LiveCD to 'USB drive'/syslinux.cfg.
5. Install grub or syslinux to usb stick. For example,
\Berry LiveCD\Setup\syslinux.exe -ma 'USB drive'
5. Modify grub's menu.lst or syslinux.cfg. For example,
label normal
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=initrd.gz boot=cdrom berry_dir=/berry/berry
lang=en vga=791 splash=silent overlay=/berry/berry.img
title Berry Linux
kernel /berry/vmlinuz boot=cdrom berry_dir=/berry/berry
video=vesa:ywrap,mtrr vga=791 splash=silent noapic overlay=ram
initrd /berry/initrd.gz
-- A script to install to usb drive
# for USB install
root_partition="(hd1,0)" <- eg '/dev/sda1'
boot_record="(hd1)" <- eg '/dev/sda'
mount /dev/sda1 ${mnt_dir}
# copy grub
mkdir -p ${mnt_dir}/boot/grub
cp /boot/{vmlinuz,initrd.gz} ${mnt_dir}/boot
cp /usr/share/grub/i386-redhat/stage[12] ${mnt_dir}/boot/grub
cp menu.lst ${mnt_dir}/boot/grub/grub.conf
cp splash.xpm.gz ${mnt_dir}/boot/grub
# copy system
mkdir -p ${mnt_dir}/BERRY
cp -a /sysroot/BERRY/BERRY ${mnt_dir}/BERRY/BERRY
umount ${mnt_dir}
# grub install
grub --batch << EOM
root ${root_partition}
setup ${boot_record}
To install Berry Linux to USB key.
1. copy /Setup/vmlinuz to 'USB drive'/vmlinuz.
2. copy /Setup/initrd.gz to 'USB drive'/initrd.gz.
3. copy /Setup/syslinux.cfg to 'USB drive'/syslinux.cfg.
4. run /Setup/syslinux.exe -ma 'USB drive'
How to multi boot with OSs? Currently, I run Ubuntu. I use grub.
When you install with using berry-installer, you should install grub to a partition. (Ref. 'How to install on hard drive') And modify grub.conf on the Ubuntu.
How to dual boot with Windows
When you install with using berry-installer, you should install grub to a MBR.
(Ref. 'How to install on hard drive')
If you have problem with the grub configuration, you modify grub.conf.
the original grub configuration for windows is:
rootnoverify (hd0,0) # windows XP in hda1
chainloader +1
save default
the error message is :
Error 15: File not found
Do the following:
grub> unhide (hd0,0)
grub> hide (hd0,1)
grub> rootnoverify (hd0,0)
grub> chainloader +1
grub> makeactive
grub> boot