- The difference between „Knoppix“ and „Berry Linux“.
- „Berry Linux“ Remastering How to.
- Boot Options.
- Is there an English language version ?
How to change the locale ?
Use „lang“ option at the boot time. (See the boot options for more detail)
Refer to follow lines.
- Boot from Berry Linux CD.
- Type „berry lang=us“ at LILO.
For example,
Berry Linux CD-ROM System…
LILO: berry lang=us
How to use direct copying to Harddisc from Berry Linux CD-ROM ?
Copy to root directory in Harddisc from /BERRY/BERRY in Berry Linux CD-ROM. And make the boot disc from /BERRY/boot-fd.img. It’s OK that boot from Floppy disc. Ofcourse you can use LILO or GRUB. You can use Berry Linux comfortable by using this option than booting from CD-ROM.
# mkdir /BERRY
# cp /mnt/cdrom0/BERRY/BERRY /BERRY/
# dd if=/BERRY/boot-fd.img of=/dev/fd0
Berry Linux is compliant with ext2, ext3, vfat, ntfs, iso9660. Berry Linux compliant with NTFS (WinXP) from 0.37.
Sample of /etc/lilo.conf
image=/boot/vmlinuz label=berry initrd=/boot/initrd.gz read-only # vga=791 append="devfs=mount boot=cdrom looproot=/BERRY/BERRY"
How to Poor Mans’s Install?
Please do as follows to "Poor Mans's Install" to eg '/dev/hdb2'. 1. Copy /BERRY/BERRY from Berry LiveCD to /mnt/hdb2/BERRY/. 2. Copy /Setup/initrd.gz from Berry LiveCD to /mnt/hdb2/BERRY/. 3. Copy /Setup/vmlinuz from Berry LiveCD to /mnt/hdb2/BERRY/. 4. Modify Grub's 'menu.lst'. For example, title Berry Linux Poor Man's Install on /dev/hdb2/BERRY root (hd1,2) kernel /BERRY/vmlinuz boot=cdrom berry_dir=/BERRY/BERRY video=vesa:ywrap,mtrr vga=791 splash=silent noapic overlay=ram initrd /BERRY/initrd.gz
Can one also install the distribution from the CD onto a hard drive ?
In principal, yes (after all, the "master" system also runs on a hard drive before it is burned to CD). However there is currently no installation GUI for this, so installation to a hard drive should probably only be attempted by more knowledgeable Linux users. Assuming the BERRY system has already booted, installation approximately follows this procedure: 1.) initialize a free partition with the ext2 file system and mount it on /mnt/berry, for example. 2.) cp -a /BERRY/* /mnt/berry/ 3.) set up /mnt/berry/etc/fstab and /mnt/berry/etc/lilo.conf for the new system (Caution: symlinks in /boot initially point to the ram disk!), run lilo. 4.) mkdir /mnt/berry/home/berry && \ chown berry.berry /mnt/berry/home/berry 5.) Reboot, try the system out, fix any broken settings.
How to make coexist Windows NT/2000/XP and Berry Linux ?
The case of using Berry Linux Installer to install on hard disk, you can do dualboot to use /boot/bootsect.lin file that installer made. You can see more detail this (Japanese).
How to use remote desktop of Windows XP on Berry Linux ?
Use rdesktop from Berry Linux 0.28. You can see more detail this (Japanese).
Booting process of Berry Linux.
- Load vmlinuz by LILO.
- Load initrd.gz (Initialize RAM Disc) by LILO.
- Run linuxrc in initrd.gz.
- Mount the BERRY (Berry Linux System) file by linuxrc
- Link to ramdisc from BERRY System.
- Run /etc/rc.d/berry-init.
- Hardware auto recongnize as berry-init and run X
LILO Options
- 1. berry
- Boot normally.
- Search a /BERRY/BERRY file, and boot from it.
- 2. berry-hd
- Boot Berry Linux installed on Harddisc.
- Search a /etc/berry-release, and boot from it.