Berry Linux Documents

How to change the locale ?

Use „lang“ option at the boot time. (See the boot options for more detail)
Refer to follow lines.

  1. Boot from Berry Linux CD.
  2. Type „berry lang=us“ at LILO.

For example,
Berry Linux CD-ROM System…
LILO: berry lang=us

How to use direct copying to Harddisc from Berry Linux CD-ROM ?

Copy to root directory in Harddisc from /BERRY/BERRY in Berry Linux CD-ROM. And make the boot disc from /BERRY/boot-fd.img. It’s OK that boot from Floppy disc. Ofcourse you can use LILO or GRUB. You can use Berry Linux comfortable by using this option than booting from CD-ROM.

# mkdir /BERRY

# cp /mnt/cdrom0/BERRY/BERRY /BERRY/

# dd if=/BERRY/boot-fd.img of=/dev/fd0

Berry Linux is compliant with ext2, ext3, vfat, ntfs, iso9660. Berry Linux compliant with NTFS (WinXP) from 0.37.

Sample of /etc/lilo.conf

#	vga=791
	append="devfs=mount boot=cdrom looproot=/BERRY/BERRY"

How to Poor Mans’s Install?

Please do as follows to "Poor Mans's Install" to eg '/dev/hdb2'.
1. Copy /BERRY/BERRY from Berry LiveCD to /mnt/hdb2/BERRY/.
2. Copy /Setup/initrd.gz from Berry LiveCD to /mnt/hdb2/BERRY/.
3. Copy /Setup/vmlinuz from Berry LiveCD to /mnt/hdb2/BERRY/.
4. Modify Grub's 'menu.lst'. For example,
title  Berry Linux Poor Man's Install on /dev/hdb2/BERRY
root (hd1,2)
kernel /BERRY/vmlinuz boot=cdrom berry_dir=/BERRY/BERRY video=vesa:ywrap,mtrr vga=791 splash=silent noapic overlay=ram
initrd /BERRY/initrd.gz

Can one also install the distribution from the CD onto a hard drive ?

In principal, yes (after all, the "master" system also runs on a hard
drive before it is burned to CD). However there is currently no
installation GUI for this, so installation to a hard drive should probably
only be attempted by more knowledgeable Linux users. Assuming the BERRY
system has already booted, installation approximately follows this

1.) initialize a free partition with the ext2 file system and mount it on
    /mnt/berry, for example.
2.) cp -a /BERRY/* /mnt/berry/
3.) set up /mnt/berry/etc/fstab and /mnt/berry/etc/lilo.conf for the
    new system (Caution: symlinks in /boot initially point to the ram
	disk!), run lilo.
4.) mkdir /mnt/berry/home/berry && \
	chown berry.berry /mnt/berry/home/berry
5.) Reboot, try the system out, fix any broken settings.

How to make coexist Windows NT/2000/XP and Berry Linux ?

The case of using Berry Linux Installer to install on hard disk, you can do dualboot to use /boot/bootsect.lin file that installer made. You can see more detail this (Japanese).

How to use remote desktop of Windows XP on Berry Linux ?

Use rdesktop from Berry Linux 0.28. You can see more detail this (Japanese).

Booting process of Berry Linux.

  1. Load vmlinuz by LILO.
  2. Load initrd.gz (Initialize RAM Disc) by LILO.
  3. Run linuxrc in initrd.gz.
  4. Mount the BERRY (Berry Linux System) file by linuxrc
  5. Link to ramdisc from BERRY System.
  6. Run /etc/rc.d/berry-init.
  7. Hardware auto recongnize as berry-init and run X

LILO Options

    1. berry

  • Boot normally.
  • Search a /BERRY/BERRY file, and boot from it.
    2. berry-hd

  • Boot Berry Linux installed on Harddisc.
  • Search a /etc/berry-release, and boot from it.